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Environmental Engineering

Research and Development Tax Incentives for the Environmental Engineering Industry

Environmental engineering firms may not realize that their activities related to the design and development of many types of systems may constitute qualified R&D activities, potentially entitling them to significant R&D incentives. If you think you have to be a manufacturer or software developer to be conducting qualified activities as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, think again. If your firm is in the environmental engineering industry, there is a strong chance that you could benefit from an R&D Tax Credit study. Let alliantgroup’s engineering experts help you claim the credits that you deserve.

Examples of Environmental Engineering Innovations Eligible for R&D Tax Incentives Include the Following:

  • Conducting brownfield redevelopment
  • Conducting site remediation and redevelopment
  • Drainage system design
  • Performing landfill gas extraction and treatment system design
  • Designing flare stations

alliantgroup’s Engineering Industry Specialization Team

In order to better serve architecture & engineering firms, alliantgroup has developed an Industry Specialization Program that focuses on the qualification and quantification of R&D tax benefits for companies operating in the architecture & engineering industries, in which we include environmental engineering. alliantgroup’s Engineering Specialization Group employs individuals who have educational backgrounds and practical experience within the disciplines of architecture, civil engineering, structural engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. alliantgroup has qualified and quantified credits for firms ranging from small, startup firms to large, multi-national corporations.