Environmental Engineering Case Studies
Business Activities That May Qualify
- Conducting brownfield redevelopment
- Conducting site remediation and redevelopment
- Drainage system design
- Performing landfill gas extraction and treatment system design
- Designing flare stations

Here Are Some of Our Clients' Success Stories:
Environmental Engineering Firm
R&D Tax Credits Realized
Annual Revenue: $20 MM
Environmental Engineering Firm
$1.6 MM
R&D Tax Credits Realized
Annual Revenue: $50 MM
Geotechnical Engineering Firm
$2.5 MM
R&D Tax Credits Realized
Annual Revenue: $105 MM
Calculate Your R&D Tax Credit
In 2021 alone, alliantgroup delivered over $2.3 billion in credits and incentives to over 14,000 businesses. And we do not want to stop here without helping you. Let our experts research and provide information that you need to understand how this credit can genuinely benefit your business.
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