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Hiring New Accountants: The Challenge For The CPA Community And The IRS

Our nation is facing a significant shortfall in young people entering the workforce as accountants. Setting aside the joy of accountants wanting to become lion tamers – the impact on the nation is potentially significant. I am seeing first-hand in discussions with our CPA Firm relationships across the country

biden tax proposal

The Biden tax proposals that could hit baby boomer, family businesses

President Joe Biden’s 2024 budget proposals contain several proposals that could hit small businesses right where it hurts — their wallets. Proposals in the budget include boosting the top capital gains rate for income over $1 million, eliminating the so-called “step-up in basis” loophole, expanding who has to pay investment income tax and at what rate, and bumping up the corporate tax rate.

ira healthcare

How Can the Inflation Reduction Act Benefit Healthcare Facilities?

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law last summer in an effort to stem the rising inflation. Within the IRA was an enhancement to the 179D Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction. 179D itself is essentially providing an incentive for organizations to use more energy efficient technologies for their buildings.