Conversation with Dhaval Jadav, Chief Executive Officer of alliantgroup;
and Jim Brady, CEO alliantTALENT & alliantgroup Vice Chairman of Advisory Services
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“I have personally seen these firms have to turn away work due to lack of qualified staff,” alliantgroup CEO Dhaval Jadav said in a statement. “This issue is top of mind with every firm we speak to.”

“This picture will continue to grow even more challenging,” alliantTalent CEO Jim Brady said, noting that the number of college graduates with accounting degrees lags the number of retiring accountants and those leaving the profession for other reasons.
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Dhaval Jadav is Chief Executive Officer of alliantgroup, America’s leading consulting and management engineering firm, which helps American businesses overcome the challenges of today to prepare them for the world of the 22nd Century and beyond. Jadav co-founded the firm in 2002 to be unlike any other consultancy, with an emphasis on partnerships with clients to not only identify but also implement quantifiable solutions to their most critical concerns.
Since its inception, his passion to help and serve U.S. businesses (and their CPA firms) has resulted in alliantgroup investing tens of millions of dollars of the firm’s resources annually in knowledge development, learning and advocacy. To date, alliantgroup has infused 30,000+ clients with over $16 billion in cash to optimize their performance and accelerate growth of their businesses.

With 40 years of experience as a global and domestic professional leader, Jim Brady is an accomplished Audit technical quality partner having served this role for over 27 years at Deloitte.
During his lengthy career, Brady has established a proven track record for his ability to grasp challenging business situations and deliver breakout P&L results. In his various executive capacities, he has created and translated business strategies into high-growth and high profit business units by quickly assessing the turnaround operating levers, developing and implementing remedial action plans, and executing with a sense of urgency.