WHERE: ARIA Resort 3730 S. Las Vegas Blvd. and virtually
BOOTH: #1138 near the Education Lab B

The Talent Shortage – presented by alliantgroup (PRA, FMA)
Speaker: Jim Brady, alliantTALENT CEO
Time: Tuesday, June 6 @ 7:00am PDT | ENG23SS204

To stay competitive, traditional companies must rethink the definition of a tech employee. The traditional tech industry is losing its allure for potential employees.
A national shortage of CPAs and support staff is driving up prices. American taxpayers had to pay at least 20% more on average to get their taxes done last year — and accountants aren’t thrilled about it either.
Rainmaker is proud to announce that alliantTALENT, a professional services firm delivering international remote talent solutions to U.S. CPA firms, has been chosen as the Preferred Provider of remote talent solutions for its members.