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Research and Development Tax Incentives for the Foundry Industry

Many companies in the foundry industry are not aware that the government offers generous research and development (R&D) incentive programs. Even those that are aware often fail to capture the full extent of R&D tax credits that they are entitled. For example, many companies may be capturing relevant expenses from their R&D cost centers, but not all qualifying R&D activities take place in traditional R&D departments. In many companies, qualifying activities happen in the plant or on the shop floor and thus may be overlooked for purposes of the R&D Tax Credit. If you think you have to have a PhD and a state-of-the-art laboratory to be conducting qualified activities as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, think again. Let alliantgroup’s foundry industry experts help you claim the credits you deserve.

Examples of Foundry Innovations Eligible for R&D Tax Incentives Include the Following:

  • Developing a new or improved melting system
  • Designing and developing new or improved metal forming process (hot or cold form)
  • Developing improvements to the molding line
  • Developing improvements to the pollution controls, including baghouse improvements
  • Developing improvements to the furnace factory lining
  • Testing and development of a new casting types
  • Developing automation of furnace charging systems
  • Developing improvements to the welding processes
  • Developing techniques to eliminate coating waste
  • Developing ways to recycle excess coating
  • Developing new and improved heat treatment processes
  • Conducting design validation testing to determine the optimal gating and risering system designs
  • Implementation of automated processes
  • Developing new or improved technologies
  • Optimizing strength during the molding process
  • Testing conducted for new composite materials (mold coatings, deoxidizing compounds, etc.)

alliantgroup’s Foundry Industry Specialization Team

In order to better serve foundry clients, alliantgroup has developed an Industry Specialization Program to focus exclusively on the qualification and quantification of R&D tax benefits for companies operating in the foundry industry. This specialized program employs individuals with educational backgrounds and hands-on research experience within the relevant scientific and engineering disciplines. Their focus is on qualifying and quantifying R&D credits for companies ranging from small, privately owned businesses to large, publically traded corporations.