Feed Mills
Research and Development Tax Incentives for the Feed Mills Industry
Many companies in the feed mill industry are unaware that the government offers generous research and development (R&D) incentive programs. Even those that are aware often fail to capture the full extent of R&D tax credits to which they are entitled. Not all qualifying R&D activities take place in traditional R&D departments. If you think you have to have a PhD and a state-of-the-art laboratory to be conducting qualified activities as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, think again.
Has your company introduced product line extensions recently? Have you modified product formulations and/or manufacturing processes to create feed products that are more nutritious, have better consistency, or have longer shelf lives? If the answer is yes, then there is a strong chance that your company could benefit from an R&D Tax Credit study. Let alliantgroup’s food science experts help you claim the credits that you deserve.
Examples of Feed Mill Activities Eligible for R&DTax Incentives Include the Following:
- Integrating operations with FDA, Animal Drug Availability Act and other regulations
- Improving mill processes to eliminate cross contamination of ruminant by-products into cattle feed
- Attempting to reduce rework of feed
- Maintaining formulation control
- Creating process improvements due to lean manufacturing or ISO-compliance or other production efficiency efforts
- Implementing good manufacturing practices for premix and medicated feed as outlined in codes and federal regulations
- Introducing changes to integrate horizontal or other mixers
- Making improvements to fat storage and handling
- Making changes to production to reduce regulated emissions
- Increasing absorption of feed
- Gaining efficiency in the pre-processing steps and the final feed manufacturing line
- Innovating the process of cleaning materials of sand, dust, and weeds
- Maintaining pellet quality such as changes to formulation, particle size, conditioning, die specifications, and pellet cooling
- Innovating with changes to mash, including ingredients, time spent in the conditioner, quantity and quality of steam, and adequacy of mixing
- Making changes to mill to handle both clean and infested grain simultaneously while maintaining identity of all feed grain and seed so segregation can be maintained
- Creating process changes to integrate screen, sieve-type or disc mill to remove weed seeds to meet a zero tolerance
- Improving dd hammermills and attrition mills to reduce weed seed contamination
- Gaining efficiency in steam heating to assure a constant mass temperature
- Changing and spurring innovation aimed at:
- Increased bulk density
- Less bridging/hang-up in bins
- Less dust
- Reduced ingredient segregation
- Less feed waste
- Increased nutrient density
- Improved palatability
- Increased nutrient availability
- Decreased microbiological activity
- Integrating of post grinding systems
- Implementing wastewater treatment systems
alliantgroup’s Food Science Specialization Team
In order to better serve food manufacturing and processing firms, alliantgroup has developed an Industry Specialization Program that focuses on the qualification and quantification of R&D tax benefits for companies operating in the diverse areas that comprise food sciences. This group employs individuals with extensive experience in food science-related industries, including products for livestock use.
- All Manufacturing
- Aerospace Industry
- Apparel and Textiles
- Automotive
- Building Systems Controls
- Chemical
- Electronics
- Feed Mills
- Firearms & Ammunition
- Food & Consumer Packaged Goods
- Foundries
- Furniture & Cabinet
- Job Shops
- Life Sciences
- Medical Equipment
- Metals
- Oil & Gas
- Plastic Injection Molding
- Semiconductor-Electronics
- Shipbuilding / Marine
- Telecommunications
- Tool & Die
Manufacturing R&D Tax Credit Whitepaper
Download our free Manufacturing R&D Tax Credit white paper to better understand recent regulatory changes and IRS requirements.

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