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Research and Development Tax Incentives for the Automotive Manufacturing Industry

The constant turnover of innovation within the automotive industry make manufacturers in this sector excellent candidates for a lucrative tax benefit that rewards research and development. Many eligible manufacturers are failing to capture the full benefit of the R&D tax credits, if they are pursuing the opportunity at all. For most manufacturers, qualifying activities happen in the plant or on the shop floor, and are often overlooked. Let alliantgroup’s manufacturing industry experts help you claim the credits you deserve.

Examples of Automotive innovations Eligible for R&D Tax Incentives Include the Following:

  • Introducing new or improved efficiencies to a wide range of manufacturing operations, from automated body assembly, to crash-testing prototypes, to eliminating material waste
  • Designing and developing automotive parts and components, including airbags, transmissions, brakes, tires, windows, and electronic controls by engineers, tool makers, production supervisors, and operators
  • Conducting first article test inspections and scrutinizing parts to maintain quality assurance using dimensional analysis, visual inspections, non-destructive testing, and other part-specific experiments
  • Overcoming regulatory compliance challenges and exceeding safety requirements using instrumentation systems for dynamic impact testing, data acquisition systems and sensors for occupant safety testing, or in-dummy applications, for example
  • Automating manufacturing operations with systems integration, control engineering, robotics, and more
  • Protyping new extrusion machinery, CNC machinery, and other heavy equipment
  • Maintaining or upgrading existing devices
  • Exploring new or improved material use, including experimentation with plastic injection molding, metal stamping, glass tempering, and rubber production
  • Exercising environmental consideration to overall operations
  • Developing software or designing unique control systems to facilitate operations

alliantgroup’s Automotive Industry Specialization Team

In order to better serve manufacturers, alliantgroup has developed an Industry Specialization Program that focuses on the qualification and quantification of the R&D tax benefit for companies operating in the automotive manufacturing industry. alliantgroup’s automotive experts include individuals with educational and experienced backgrounds in diverse manufacturing sectors (including materials and machining), software, energy, safety, and control engineering. This group has qualified and quantified credits for firms ranging from small privately owned companies to large, multi-national, publicly traded companies.