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Telecommunications Case Studies

Business Activities That May Qualify

  • Designing and implementing plans for both layout of the physical network and the software technologies necessary to provide required services such as:
    • Unified communication VOIP
    • Security solutions
    • Core routing and switching
    • Data centers
  • Developing new and improved functional integration for mobile computing, media, and network processes
  • Designing and developing for new programming models, algorithms, and parameterized data traffic
  • Developing software and processes for data trafficking and data center management
  • Developing custom communication networks for specific uses and layouts, including high-speed data, VOIP, and video conferencing
  • Developing second generation or improved products
  • Integrating new materials to improve product performance and manufacturing processes; testing of prototypes
  • Implementing new production standards and quality assurance processes
  • Improving product quality, durability, or safety

Here Are Some of Our Clients' Success Stories:

Call Tracking & Recording Solutions Company


R&D Tax Credits Realized

Annual Revenue: $24 MM

Communications Hardware & Software Company

$4.2 MM

R&D Tax Credits Realized

Annual Revenue: $22 MM

Telecommunications Engineering/Construction Company


R&D Tax Credits Realized

Annual Revenue: $52 MM

Calculate Your R&D Tax Credit

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