R&D Tax Credit Case Studies
Many business owners think they don’t qualify for R&D because they don’t have an R&D department with lab coats and beakers. That’s not true! You may already be doing R&D everyday without realizing it.
If your company has invested time, money, and resources towards new or improved products or processes, then you may qualify for the R&D tax credit. See below for how businesses just like yours are already claiming substantial benefits.
Manufacturing Case Studies
- Aerospace Case Studies
- Automotive Manufacturing Case Studies
- Building System Controls Case Studies
- Chemical Case Studies
- Electronics / Semiconductor Case Studies
- Food Processing & Manufacturing Case Studies
- Foundries Case Studies
- Furniture & Cabinet Manufacturing Case Studies
- Job Shop Case Studies
- Medical Equipment Manufacturer Case Studies
- Metals Industry Case Studies
- Oil & Gas Industry Case Studies
- Plastic Injection Molding Case Studies
- Shipbuilding / Marine Case Studies
- Telecommunications Case Studies
- Tool & Die Case Studies
Construction Case Studies
Engineering Case Studies
Architecture Case Studies
Software Case Studies
Other Case Studies
Calculate Your R&D Tax Credit
alliantgroup has delivered billion of dollars in credits and incentives to over 14,000 businesses. Let our experts provide guidance to help you understand how this credit can massively benefit your business.
Take our short quiz to get an idea of what this benefit can look like for your business today