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Civil Engineering Case Studies

Business Activities That May Qualify

  • Ensuring bridge and highway design meet specific structural and drainage requirements
  • Designing pavement, roadway, street design and related infrastructure
  • Developing innovative lateral force resistance systems for buildings
  • Creating foundation and earthwork design for unique site conditions
  • Designing retaining wall structures
  • Designing unique water treatment plants to optimize plant capacity or efficiency
  • Developing innovative wastewater technology
  • Designing of renewable energy infrastructure
  • Designing sanitary sewer systems and water collection system for new residential communities
  • Designing unique water pipelines and ancillary systems
  • Creating efficient grading designs for master plan requirements, including site drainage and plot foundations
  • Developing hydrology modeling used to determine water flow within a site
  • Designing water distribution systems for municipalities and water districts
  • Creating pump station designs
  • Designing military and civilian airfield infrastructure
  • Designing seismic infrastructure and retro-fitting

Here Are Some of Our Clients' Success Stories:

Civil Engineering Firm

$1.3 MM

R&D Tax Credits Realized

Annual Revenue: $285 MM

Civil Engineering Firm


R&D Tax Credits Realized

Annual Revenue: $50 MM

Civil Engineering Firm


R&D Tax Credits Realized

Annual Revenue: $28.3 MM

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