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Working Towards a Sustainable Future | STEaM Scholarship Winner

Meet Jadon Ogala

Jadon Ogala is committed to creating a more sustainable world through renewable energy. This drive has earned him one of the alliantgroup Black Collaborative STEaM Scholarships in 2024. Having recently graduated from Foster High School in Richmond, Texas, Jadon will attend Howard University in Washington, D.C., where he will major in Electrical Engineering and minor in Computer Science. His academic pursuits are perfectly aligned with his ambition to merge sustainability with cutting-edge technology.

An Emerging Leader with a Passion for STEM

Jadon’s enthusiasm for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) was sparked by various influential experiences. He recalls, “The hours I spent working with my robotics team cultivated my desire to pursue a career in STEM, specifically engineering. I found a lot of satisfaction working with a team to solve problems and integrating different systems such as the robot’s powertrain, sensors, and control systems to create a robot that can complete numerous tasks.”

In addition to his involvement with the robotics team, Jadon actively participated in debates and was a member of DECA, a global association of students preparing for careers in business. These experiences not only honed his technical skills but also developed his ability to think critically and communicate effectively. Jadon firmly believes that STEM careers play a crucial role in solving some of the world’s most pressing issues. “The skills and knowledge you gain from STEM degrees are often applied to help solve the world’s most crucial problems. Whether in healthcare, engineering, the sciences, or other STEM fields, pursuing a career in STEM sets you up for a lifetime of opportunities and impact.”

Making the World a Better Place

Jadon is determined to use his engineering degree to contribute to a more sustainable planet. “I am very excited for the future ahead, especially right now with so much changing within the energy industry. Having the opportunity to pursue my education and work as an engineer to solve the challenges that face the adoption of renewable energy motivates me every day.” His commitment is not just theoretical; it is deeply rooted in a desire to make tangible, positive changes in the world.

The Impact of the alliantgroup Black Collaborative STEaM Scholarship

Receiving the alliantgroup Black Collaborative STEaM Scholarship is a significant milestone for Jadon. “Being awarded this scholarship is a great honor and a token of confidence in my education and career pursuits. I am very grateful for this investment in my education and view it as a motivating factor to work hard in my academic and career pursuits.” This scholarship not only provides financial support but also serves as a powerful endorsement of his potential and aspirations.

Empowering the Next Generation

As an advocate for leaders everywhere, alliantgroup is proud to help light that spark for the next generation of Black engineers, scientists, and finance professionals by developing the alliantgroup Black Collaborative (aBC) STEaM (science, technology, engineering, accounting, and math) Scholarship Program.

The aBC’s mission is to promote Black Excellence through engaging in our Houston-area community, empowering Black alliantgroup professionals to reach their leadership goals, and expanding alliantgroup’s search for talented professionals to include dedicated recruiting efforts at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

With the growing need for technical and finance talent within the country, coupled with the underrepresentation of Black professionals in STEaM fields, alliantgroup and the alliantgroup Black Collaborative have created a program to incentivize Black students who are entering higher education to pursue careers in STEaM and become the leaders of tomorrow.

Click here to learn more about the alliantgroup Blue Heart Fund.

Featured Leadership

Casey Curry is alliantgroup’s Senior Director of Strategic Communications and Philanthropy. Casey serves on the Board of Directors of The Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce and is a passionate STEM education advocate and is dedicated to the advancement and empowerment of women and girls through leadership, education, and mentorship. As a meteorologist by trade and media personality based in Houston, you may have seen Casey on FOX, ABC and NBC, as well as the guest meteorologist on the weekend edition of Good Morning America in New York City.